EDF is active in several segments of Southern-African electricity production: nuclear, off-grid electricity as well as renewable energies. The Group also intervenes in a wide range of historical activities such as thermal, engineering, transport and distribution. More recently, EDF develops new innovative services such as energy efficiency projects.

Renewable Energies
To support South-Africa's energy transition, EDF has developed a portfolio of low carbon solutions in the fields of wind, solar and hydraulic power.

By supplying clean and accessible electricity, EDF takes part to South African energy transition while considering local economics stakes.

Grid engineering services
Relying on EDF's knowledge of Southern African electrical infrastructures, the Group is able to propose adapted solutions to improve local dsitrbution and transport grid performances.

C&I services
The Group supports projects which have a key role in the country's energy transition and exports its know-how in the field of energy services for this purpose.

Electricity production and power plant engineering are closely related and are the bases of our activities. In the field of thermal, EDF initiates both training activities for our partners, but also thermal work supervision.

Launched in 2017, EDF Pulse Africa is an extension of EDF Innovation Awards exclusively dedicated to African entrepreneurs. The Award's ambitions is to support and assist African innovators playing a role in energy development in their own country.

Energy Efficiency Services
EDF SA Energy Efficiency Service offering in South Africa includes Energy Efficiency (EE) services for Commercial and Industrial (C&I) clients. Our offering can achieve up to 15% savings on your energy cost without Capex and up to 35% with Capex. Not only does energy efficiency save your business on the energy cost, but it also reduces your carbon footprint. EDF SA offers customised energy efficiency solutions to achieve sustained energy savings through live monitoring of energy usage and implementation of energy conservation measures (ECMs).
Client Contact Request Email: energy-efficiency@edf.fr